The [Solve] Friday September 30

Trusted to Deliver

Happy Friday! We want to send a heartfelt congratulations to our Senior Recruiter, Ryan Collins, on his induction to the Saint Agnes High School Hall of Fame! Pictures and words from his former players are listed below! 

Matt Kuntz, QA Capability Leader, reminds us to use our time wisely, work hard, and have fun as the days get shorter. It is a great reminder as we are all busier than ever this Fall!

Start of Fall

By Matt Kuntz, QA Capability Leader


It is officially fall already, where did another summer go? But who doesn’t love fall, and it is my favorite time of the year! The older I get the more accurate the reality of time goes by in a blink of an eye becomes. Remember your parents or grandparents sharing how quickly life goes on earth? I guess they were correct. I also remember as a kid, there were days of boredom, and it would take forever for those long days to end – how I wish I could have one of those days again 😊

Yes, time goes by quickly as we age, but with age comes knowledge (or it’s supposed to). Have you ever wondered why looking back is usually filled with positive memories and we realize quickly they went by? And have you ever wondered why is looking into the future often seem to be unclear and so far away as we wait for the next fun activity to occur? I must confess that I have too.

Time is precious, and each of us has the choice of how we want to use it. Deadlines at work, commitments to family and/or friends, and even financial and legal commitments can cause oneself to get dragged down by anxieties and worries. Worry and anxiety kills the human spirit and cripples your ability to become the great person you were intended to be. I realize that not all outcomes are 100% favorable, but my reaction to those outcomes can be 100% favorable. Since I was named after the biblical Matthew I am often reminded of this verse.

“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life”

Use your time wisely, enjoy each other, work hard, and play hard. None of us are guaranteed tomorrow, so enjoy this day. Memories can be the best, and if you don’t have many; start making them today!


Ryan Collins elected to Hall of Fame

Congrats to Logisolve Senior Recruiter, Ryan Collins, for his induction into the Saint Agnes High School Hall of Fame along with the Saint Agnes 2001 State Championship baseball team. Ryan was head coach of that state tournament championship team. Ryan’s team went 20-7 and defeated Sleepy Eye-St. Mary’s 16-6 in the championship game. Sleepy Eye-St. Mary’s entered the game with a 25-1 record on the season. Saint Agnes finished the season winning 14 or their last 15 games.

Several of Ryan’s former players have posted shout-outs to Ryan and the team since the induction ceremony. Here is some words from his former players at the induction ceremony:

“We didn’t know how good we were, but coach Colo knew how good we were but didn’t put the pressure on us to feel like we were that good. There was one practice when we went down to Florida where things were not going well. Coach pulled us all off the field. We were sitting along third base line and he says, “This team could be really special.” He knew what we had and we were too young to know it. We were just happy to be in Florida.”

“A favorite memory was of the Hastings game – I don’t know how he got the game on the schedule. Why would Hastings agree to play us? Little Saint Agnes (a Class A team)! Not only were they a really good team in the 3A big school bracket, but they won the state championship 2 years earlier. They were the big school State Champions and we went down there and dominated them.”

“Coach Colo, you were an outstanding coach. You were way ahead of your time. We didn’t appreciate it at the time, but if you look at leadership today, whether in corporate America, in the classroom, or on the athletic field, leadership is all about giving your employees, your students, your athletes autonomy and independence, trusting in their abilities and letting them go do what you know they are capable of doing. Not micromanaging, not over coaching, but giving them a platform to go out and play at a high level. That’s what you did with us. You had the utmost amount of trust in us. You let me call every pitch, even with a sophomore on the mound. You are a fantastic coach. Yes, we were loaded with talent that year, but there’s no way we would have gotten to the pinnacle without you.”

Welcome to Logisolve

Check out who is joining us in September!


Revanth V – Digital Solutions/Sr. Developer

Rob E – Business Transformation/Sr. BA

Melinda H – Digital Solutions/Manual QA

Venkata D – Digital Solutions/Data Integration Developer

Joe H – Digital Solutions/Front End Developer

Josiah K – Business Transformation/Project Manager

Barry V – Business Transformation/Project Manager

Rahul G – Digital Solutions/QA

Eric L – Digital Solutions/QA

Ashley C – Sr. Art Director

Available Positions

If you have individuals in your network that may be a fit for any of the positions below, this is a great time to make a referral. Many clients are starting to head back to the office one or two days a week and are focused on local resources!

Use our referral email address:

Below are our most active Client Opportunities; contact us for more information! There are additional positions posted on our website:

Quality Assurance

Sr. QA Lead (2 positions) – highly desired Financial industry experience – must be local to MN

Sr. QA – strong SQL experience – must be local to MN

QA – API – remote

QA – actuarial experience – hybrid

Project Management

Project/Program Manager – financial industry experience – hybrid – MN

Scrum Master – financial industry experience – hybrid – MN


Sr. Java Developer (2 positions) – react, Java8, spring boot – remote – must be local to MN

.NET, Ling, C#, SQL

Java Developer – Kafka, micro-services, Java 8- remote

.NET, C#, vue.JS, AWS – remote (2 positions)

.NET developer (Associate level) C#, – must be local to MN – contract to hire


EDW-ETL Administration – health catalyst experience required – remote

SQL DBA-contract to hire – hybrid – must be local to MN

Data Architect – Tableau expert – remote

Digital Analytics Manager – Data storyteller – adobe – remote

Database Developer-PL/SQ, Tableau – medical device industry experience – remote


D365 Solution Architect – Direct hire – remote

Middleware Engineer – hybrid – must be local to MN

Vendor Manager -Direct Hire – MN