Industry: Data


The client needed to transition control of their data and analytics from an external vendor to an in-house solution. This critical shift aimed to enhance data management, analytics capabilities, and overall control over data operations.

Project Scope

Data Warehouse: Implementation of a new data warehouse with multiple new data feeds.
Attribution Models: Development of dozens of new, unique attribution models.
Time to Market: Improvement of the time to market from 4-6 months to 30-45 days.
To achieve these ambitious objectives within the predetermined timeframe, the client opted for an “Agile Pilot Program.”

An Agile Pilot Program was designed to streamline project processes, enhance collaboration, and ensure timely delivery. The program focused on iterative development, continuous feedback, and adaptive planning.


The project team presented this program and pilot at an ​“Organizational Summit”, sharing how an Agile framework ​led to project success.​

The Data Warehouse was built on time and for less than ​estimated budget.​

The success of this Agile pilot introduced opportunities ​for additional projects and teams to follow a similar framework.​

The implementation of this new program resulted in ​significant cost savings to customers and service providers, ​enabling new revenue generators, better risk identification, ​and replication of the framework and metrics across ​service providers.