Like many other areas, career mentoring has taken on a new feel in today’s work place and has become more “remote mentoring”. I was recently asked to help develop a remote mentoring program with my alma mater, St Mary’s University of Minnesota to match graduating seniors up with alumni for career development in the industries of the student’s majors. While the program has traditional mentoring expectations; provide insight for career direction, sharing knowledge & experience and being a positive coach, it does so in a remote environment with scheduled video calls rather than meetings for coffee or lunch. Regardless, the impact of having a coach/mentor still provides the benefits for both parties.


I am fortunate enough to have a neighbor who is a senior executive at a large corporation who I look to for my coaching and mentoring. While our periodic lunches and coffees have been paused, we still find time to email or talk by phone for my informal mentoring sessions. I feel it always helps to talk career situations with someone with other perspectives.


At Logisolve, we have many ways to get involved with coaching and mentoring. Our Capability Leaders are not only subject matter experts in their respective fields, they also act as mentors for their teams with career direction, industry insight and coaching tips on project situations. In addition, several of our senior consultants have participated as mentors for our Ingenio consultants. We were fortunate to have 6 senior project managers onsite (before Covid) to mentor/coach each our of 6 associate project managers at our largest client. After speaking with both the mentors and mentees, there was always positive feedback and benefits that each party got out of the program.


Jeremy Mann, one of our Senior Business Analysts has also mentored several of our Ingenio consultants, including a recent consultant internship at another one of our larger clients. The feedback I received from our intern was always very positive on how helpful and encouraging Jeremy was during their mentoring sessions.


Coaching and mentoring may be all the more important now during these times. If you are interesting getting involved with being a coach/mentor or want a coach/mentor at Logisolve, please feel free to reach out to Heather Miner (IngenioHQ Capability Lead – or myself (


We will look to get you connected.